
Awakenings Upclose 2024

Awakenings Upclose 2024, taking place on May 19th, 2024, at the stunning Spaarnwoude location in Amsterdam, promises an unforgettable day of immersive techno experiences. Prepare for a meticulously curated lineup of top-tier DJs, delivering pulsating beats and hypnotic rhythms within a breathtaking natural setting. More than just a festival, Awakenings Upclose offers an intimate and intensely connected atmosphere, fostering a unique communion between artists and audience. Expect state-of-the-art sound and lighting, transforming the landscape into a vibrant, otherworldly dance floor. Immerse yourself in the raw energy of the scene, surrounded by like-minded techno enthusiasts. This is an opportunity to connect with the heart of the Awakenings spirit in a truly special, up-close-and-personal environment.

groups Lineup
DVS1 I Hate Models Joris Voorn Kangding Ray KiNK Lobster Marlon Hoffstadt Marrøn Phara (live) Reiss Rene Wise Roll Dann SNTS Sandrien Setaoc Mass Stranger Tham Vera Grace Wallis Yanamaste
image Cover
groups Lineup
DVS1 I Hate Models Joris Voorn Kangding Ray KiNK Lobster Marlon Hoffstadt Marrøn Phara (live) Reiss Rene Wise Roll Dann SNTS Sandrien Setaoc Mass Stranger Tham Vera Grace Wallis Yanamaste
image Cover