The story begins in Milan, Italy, where Carmine Conte (Karm) and Matteo Milleri, the minds behind Tale Of Us, first met as young music enthusiasts. Their path led them to Berlin, a city pulsating with techno energy, where their musical identity truly crystallized.
"Afterlife" isn't a physical location, but a concept that embodies Tale Of Us' musical journey and the atmosphere they cultivate at their events. It signifies a departure from the ordinary, a space for profound exploration through sound.
Their dark and moody techno compositions, often laced with suspense and mystery, perfectly capture the essence of "Afterlife." This music evokes a sense of introspection and emotional connection, taking listeners on a carefully crafted narrative through peaks and valleys of intensity.
"Afterlife" extends far beyond the music itself. The duo meticulously curates their events, using lighting, visuals, and stage design to craft an immersive and otherworldly experience. Their signature Ibiza residency, aptly titled "Afterlife," exemplifies this perfectly, transforming nightclubs into portals to another dimension.
Ultimately, "Afterlife" stands as a powerful testament to Tale Of Us' artistic vision. It's a concept that seamlessly merges their music, event production, and audience into a singular, transformative experience. As Tale Of Us continues to evolve, "Afterlife" likely will too, forever pushing boundaries and redefining the techno club experience.